Inspiration Icon

You know what inspires me the most? Art. Look around you dudes and dudettes! Art is everywhere! It's ~ LIFE! What's my inspiration icon? Pop Artist Andy Warhol... Too cool... I've read this article by Robert Venturi called Non-Starightforward Architecture: A gentle manifesto - in my opinion, it was brilliant but the articles has its pros and cons.. I didnt particulalrly agree on some parts but overall, it was a great article.. His words against Mies Van Der Rohe's idea of Less is More was very straightforward! Bang! "More is Not Less. Less is A Bore." Gosh.. I wonder how i would feel to be bombarded in such a way. But hey, Mies Van Der Rohe's principle has its pros too you know.. I mean complicated ideas and over the top designs are usually redundant.. So he opt for aestheticism and simplicity... Honestly i think the clash between both ideas actually has a bridge.. It built a bridge example... I build an overly simple building that at first glance is actually a Less is More building.. but then when you look at my concept and my opinions and my idea and look at my building again... you will find it to manifest venturi's priniciples.. The bridge is the understanding of both principles and manifesting them through unity... It's quite a difficult feat.. You know sometimes I wonder if anyone cared what architects as designers do. Honestly, most of my friends and family think that architects just do models and build homes... They have no idea the pain-staking stress we go through! I may not be an architect YET but as a student pursuing my degree in architecture, I sure as crap know how deep is this crap.

I think that architecture and art are inspiration icons. Because they react to people psychologically... like the orientation of a bedroom... the design of a holy place... Remember in history? The mesopotamians... The kingdoms compete against each other through architecture. Who ever has the most beautiful and the biggest gateway to the city is the richest, most succesful kingdom of all. Same goes with today, architecture is like a silent declaration of the country's development.
Living in a third world country right now... Art is seriously over-shadowed by science...why? maybe because now they believe science represents development. Dudes I agree but i think a balance of both shows true development. But I stand on my side of the fence when i say that Art is the true inspiration icon